Try our Interest Calculator to see how much you can earn with a Cambrian GIC.

Earn a higher rate than your savings account, with a guaranteed return.
A Cambrian Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) is simple to do and you’ll earn a higher return than your savings account.
GIC interest rates quoted are per annum, with interest calculated and paid on each 12 month anniversary date, and at maturity. Interest rates are guaranteed for the duration of the specified term. GICs are not redeemable prior to maturity.
Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are fixed rate investments. That means you know exactly how much interest you will earn on your deposit, guaranteed.
Cambrian’s GIC rates are among the best in our local market. And, when it comes to investing in a GIC, getting a higher interest rate makes a difference.
For example, the difference between getting a 3.50% GIC rate versus a 2.00% Savings Account rate on a $10,000 investment equals approximately $840 over 5 years.
All deposits guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.
This means your money is safe with Cambrian.
With a Cambrian GIC, you can choose to invest in any of our term options, ranging from 1 - 5 years.
Need a shorter term? No problem.
We’ll give you our 2 year GIC rate for a 18-month term, our 3 year GIC rate for a 30-month term, our 4 year GIC rate for a 42-month term and our 5 year GIC rate for a 54-month term.
Plus, you can leave the interest to compound annually to increase your rate of return or get the interest paid out.
The minimum deposit for a GIC is $1,000. However, our younger members (22 years old or less) only need $100 minimum to start investing in a GIC.
Our advisors are available to meet with you via video, in person or phone to review our GIC options and quickly set you up with a new GIC.
Already a Cambrian member?
You can purchase a new GIC or renew your GIC online, anytime. It’s easy to do in Cambrian Online Banking.
We will notify you before your GIC matures so that you can decide if you want to discuss your GIC renewal with one of our advisors or renew it yourself online.
Cambrian GICs can be used as investments in your TFSA, RRSP & RRIF.
are registered with the Canadian Federal Government and enable you to save on taxes or take advantage of other financial incentives such as government grants.
These include: