These are the Terms and Conditions that govern the operation of Cambrian memberships and accounts. The continued use of the account is your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
At Cambrian, we believe our relationships with our members are a private matter!
In working with members to help meet their financial goals, we are required to collect a variety of personal information. At the same time, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of that information. To do this we've developed privacy practices that act as a code of conduct, helping us ensure we're protecting your privacy.
Member satisfaction is very important to us. We want to ensure our members are satisfied with their Cambrian experience. If you are a current Cambrian member with a concern, we encourage you to tell us about it.
The Market Conduct Code represents best practices for soliciting, promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, or distributing our products or services in Manitoba. This Code has been adopted by Cambrian Credit Union's Board of Directors and demonstrates our commitment to the fair treatment of those who use our products and services.
Cambrian Credit Union is committed to the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and its customer service regulation. We have an Accessibility for Manitobans Act Standard for Customer Service policy, which reflects Cambrian's ongoing practices and measures and our commitment to providing products and services efficiently, fairly and respectfully to people of all abilities.
Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada.
Cambrian Credit Union is stating our commitment to the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada. The Code was designed to protect credit union members’ interests related to the issuance and acceptance of payment cards and to the operation of payment card networks.
Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services
Cambrian Credit Union is stating our commitment to the Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services. The Code of Practice outlines the industry practice and consumer and industry responsibilities which help protect consumers in their use of debit card services in Canada.