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Free things to do in Winnipeg

November 2, 2022
min read

Nothing’s better for your budget than free. So we have compiled some of our favourite free activities with you! These activities range from weather-friendly outdoor fun to indoor activities the whole family can enjoy.

Nothing’s better for your budget than free. So we have compiled a list of our favourite free things to do in Manitoba! These activities range from weather-friendly outdoor fun to indoor activities the whole family can enjoy.

Want more free in your feed? We regularly share free events on our Cambrian social media pages. Follow us on Instagram (@cambriancreditunion) for updates on free events in Winnipeg and Selkirk.

Free Events Happening this Week

When: Saturday, November 26, 11 AM to 6 PM

Where:  Saint-Boniface Museum, 494 Taché Ave.

What: Christmas at the Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum


Outdoor Activities

Ice Skating

We don’t shy away from outdoor fun when the weather gets colder. Instead, many people are looking to lace up their skates and do some skating.

The City of Winnipeg operates several indoor and outdoor skating spaces. Many skating locations are free and a great way to get some exercise!

Before heading to your local outdoor skating rink, confirm their hours. Unfortunately, not every skating pond or rink has the same operating hours, but you can find details for skating here.

Before heading out to an outdoor skating trail or pond, take a few minutes to check trail conditions. Conditions can change quickly; warmer temperatures or snowfall may close the path or impact the ice condition.

Hiking and Bike Trails

Walking and cycling are also great ways to enjoy the outdoors, and Winnipeg has plenty of trails! So all year, you can put on your hiking shoes or boots and head out for a walk to explore our beautiful city. Best of all, these trails are free to use!

Remember to dress for the weather and bring enough water to stay hydrated. If you have your pet with you, keep them on a leash and ensure you clean up after them.

Not sure where your closest trail is? You can find a list of Winnipeg trails and maps on the Winnipeg Trails website!


Speeding down a hill on a sled is a great winter activity. Tobogganing is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy some exercise during our long winters. And – even better, there are plenty of free places to go! The City of Winnipeg has several hills and winter slides throughout the city, making it easy to find a nearby park to partake.

Visiting Parks

The Forks, Kildonan Park and Assiniboine Park are great places to stroll and marvel at the beauty of the city any time of the year. Dress for the weather, pack a thermos of hot coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or cider, and enjoy the fresh air.

Indoor Activities


Libraries open you to a whole world of knowledge, allowing you to borrow traditional books and audiobooks, access computer services, and so much more. Winnipeg has libraries throughout the city, and Selkirk has a library that offers a wide range of services.

If you live in the Winnipeg or Selkirk region, you have free access to their respective library systems – all you need is a library card!

Libraries offer free events such as Family Story Time. These events are a great way to introduce your child to the joys of reading and learning. Many events are open on a drop-in basis, but some will require you to register in advance.

Contact your local library for more information about what is available to you.

Indoor Ice Skating

The indoor rinks are open year-round and offer public skating during certain hours. You can find those hours here.

Indoor Pools

Did you know that the city’s pools offer free admission at certain times? Youths and adults can swim for free at certain pools. Pools are located throughout the city, making it easy to take advantage of the free swim hours.

For the complete schedule of free swims, click here.

Events at the Exchange District

On the first Friday of every month, artists and shops in the Exchange are extra-welcoming and throw open their doors to host special events like gallery openings and performances. Some artists even let visitors take a peek inside their studios!

Visit the First Fridays website to get more information on what is available.

Today’s Rates

*All rates and yields subject to change without notice.
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